Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's been a while!

Hello all!! It's been a while since I posted anything new, but I have been busy filling orders and getting ready for the holiday season. While I am very happy that my business has picked up, it has been busy keeping all of my commitments up to date! As well as starting my online business, I also volunteer for my son's boy scout troop. I love helping out with the boy scouts, it is such a wonderful organization, but it seems like not many parents like to volunteer, why is that? They are a great group of people I work with and I would not trade them for anything!! We kicked off our fundraising season with popcorn and now are moving on to luminarias. We work hard to keep our boys having fun with scouting, if you are interested in scouting for your son, find a local troop and attend a meeting, there is no commitment to just go check it out. So with scouts and the holiday business I have not posted in a while, but I am hoping to get regular updates going again in a couple of weeks! Please come back and check out the updates, will have products as well as some family pictures!! Thank you for visiting and Merry Christmas!!!

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